As our report from the frontline of South Africa’s “city of style” documented back in April, Johannesburg is a thriving city with a fervent art scene – Cape Town’s hip younger sibling, edgy, vibrant and unafraid of innovation. The latest in a line of exhibitions at Paris’ La Maison Rouge that showcase art from cities lesser known to the French public, My Joburg focusses on young artists yet to establish themselves firmly on the international stage. With a population of more than six million, Johannesburg may not be small, but its transition from the darkness of apartheid has not been as swift as the South African capital’s.
Regardless, Joburg is a resonant city on the up – desolation is quickly being usurped by design, art and fashion, and the contemporary offerings of more than 40 artists on show here are testament to its ongoing revival. Jodi Bieber (no relation) presents evocative documentary photography that invokes the city’s spirited character, Mary Sibande demonstrates the changes in fortune of South Africa’s young black women, whilst Jane Alexander raises the country’s constant concern of security. Representing three generations of Johannesburg’s art scene, My Joburg – running through 22 September – is a pivotal illustration of one of the world’s most determined cities.

Jodi Bieber
Orlando West Swimming Pool, Orlando West, Soweto. 2009
Impression numérique sur papier cotton
112 x 84 cm
The Walther Collection, Ulm

Nandipha Mntambo
Enchantment, 2012
Peau de vache, queue de vache, résine
170 x 100 x 155 cm
Collection Robert Devereux

Mikhael Subotzky
Ponte City from Yeoville, 2008
125.5 x 150 cm
Goodman Gallery

Simon Gush
Prayer (16/12/1926), 2011
Peinture murale
300 x 300 cm

Jane Alexander
Security, 2006
Bird 2006 (peinture à l’huile sur fibre de verre),
grillage, fil de rasoir, terre, blé en germination,
croissance, mourant, 1000 machettes, 1000 faucilles,
gants de travailleurs sudafricains.
Dimensions variables
Installation photography, Marc Domage