I’ve always drawn the line at Imperial Leather, but there is a world of science and technology dedicated to formulating the kind of high end skincare that Delbȏve Cosmetics produces, and the Luxembourg company has found that delicate blend of laboratory and luxury in its Brussels boutique, designed by Christophe Remy.
Remy took on the project from top to toe, designing every aspect of the store from the furniture to the carpet pattern. The laboratory aesthetic comes from the application area, with white surfaces and stools and scientific glassware on show, and sparing gold Deco motifs bringing subtle decoration to the area. The sense of luxury is ramped up in the display cases of heavily grained dark wood and thick gold apertures. A rich, regal purple has been chosen for the plush carpet in the leisure area of the boutique, mirrored on the wall, and the whole place is lit up naturally by the French windows at one end. The crème de la crème…