Laura Buckley succeeds in creating something both abstract and personal with The Magic Know-How, a series of sculptural installations comprised of light and video distorted through “prisms”. Typically used to demonstrate that white light is made up of many component colours through their different refraction angles (still with us?), you will probably be pleased to hear that Buckley’s prisms are of the less scientific variety. The Chelsea College of Art and Design graduate replaces boring old white light with video memories from her own life cut with elements of popular culture and colour patterns, projected onto a range of different shaped transparent structures.
The Magic Know-How also has an aural aspect; Buckley’s regular collaborator and musician Andy Spence of NYPC has produced a soundtrack to the collection synthesized from day-today audio snippets from the artist’s life. The inherently intriguing constructions are dazzlingly augmented by the distorted imagery – catch the evocative results at Site Gallery in Sheffield until 21 September.

Photo, Nigel Barker

Photo, Nigel Barker

Photo, Nigel Barker

Images courtesy of Laura Buckley
unless otherwise stated.