Amsterdam is a brilliant city for sightseeing on foot or by bicycle, so good that you’ll need regular refuelling stops to keep going. For those who care about what they eat and where it comes from, SLA is one of the healthiest choices the city has to offer, with a commitment to ethically produced ingredients and a menu that promises flavour as well as nutrition. It also boasts a lovely farmhouse meets greenhouse interior which perfectly reflects the café’s “eat fresh” philosophy.
At the counter, a metal frame suggests a glassless hothouse, but with more neon than average. A selection of dinky pruning scissors hang above sturdy and rustic furniture, and there is bundles of flora and fauna growing about the place to use them on. SLA is packed with vitality, and delivers the same from its dishes which will have you cleansed of all your bodily sins in no time. This place is sugar free, but it’s still sweet as you like.

Photography, Teska Overbe
Except food, Maja Molière