Those were the days, eh, when a property of substance used to have a room specially for the muskets. Don’t know when it went out of fashion, but in New York’s Nolita neighbourhood The Musket Room is a thing again, albeit as a place to go for food and not to store firearms.
New Zealand native Matt Lambert is proudly firing out both traditional and Asian-influenced modern dishes from his homeland in a venue designed by London firm Alexander Waterworth Interiors. Cosmopolitan or what? The dining area is divided in two, with The Barrel Room looking out into a garden area and letting in bags of light through the floor-to-ceiling glass panes. Overhead, the mid-century brass chandeliers, from Works Manufacturing, are just one of the contemporary elements that gel with more rustic features in this well-balanced interior. A 20ft walnut bar topped with vintage lamps and walls of lime-washed exposed brick are also stand-out successes – in fact The Musket Room is a bullseye in every way.

Photography, Emily Andrews