Designer Alexander Lotersztain has got the Midas touch as far as We Heart is concerned – we’re positively head over heels for his hospitality sector work at places like Alfredo’s Pizzeria and curious pub Alfred and Constance. The award-winning Australian is the darling of Down Under design at the moment, and Depo in Brisbane is another off the conveyor belt of reasons why.
Lotersztain had been germinating the seed that would grow into Depo for a few years before he met Dutch chef Erik van Genderen, who shared his enthusiasm for a venue which is a light and sunny café by day, and a darker, more cosy restaurant at night. This changeable quality has been brought about by creating a series of areas with different styles, connected by themes and materials, such as a liberal use of wood which reacts to the variation in light as the day becomes evening. As a result of this flexibility it’s a pretty big venue, with plenty of room for some hefty vintage furniture and equally hefty curios, and there’s a gallery angle happening here too. Keep ’em coming Alexander…

Photography © Florian Groehn