The origins of Alex Noble’s Creatures from the Kaleidoscope begin with his Mannequink project, an altogether more monochromatic venture in which he and photographer Joe McGorty transformed three female musicians into bondage dummies. In his latest collection the mannequins remain, but the black and white S&M is gone – to be replaced with a riot of geometric colour patterns, with the naked female form remaining a constant.
Noble has been crossing backwards and forwards between fashion and art for some time, producing fashion collections and exhibiting sculpture and photography, and the two worlds collide here with some force. His collection of sculptures, installations and devilishly retro artworks employ the circular spectrum of a kaleidoscope with the patchwork quality of the harlequin, all thrown together with the segmented construction of a stained glass window. Noble’s colourful creations will be at the londonewcastle project space until 10 September, and the abstract film Colour Therapy, by Joost Vanderburg, accompanies the exhibition.

Photography, Ryan Lanji