Let’s face it, if you’ve seen one picture of the Eiffel Tower, you’ve seen them all – clichéd holiday snaps are the worst. What really would be interesting is seeing Paris through the eyes of a local, who knows where all the city’s treasures are hidden, which are the best places to explore, and who can offer a fresh perspective on the world. It’s time you joined the Global Yodel community.
Global Yodel invites submissions from photographers, writers and designers across the globe who are inspired by their environments and want to share the unseen secrets of their backyards with the wider world. The website, run by Jesse Weinberg, picks the best submissions for publication, and now offer a selection of work for sale through its splendid Print Shop. Now we’re not averse to a bit of a moan about the cost of so-called “affordable art”, so it’s great to see a company offering some truly brilliant photography an exhibition platform and distributing it at prices even impoverished writers who are kept in a cupboard and fed gruel can afford – prints start from $20.
What’s more folks, is that the good Global Yodel folk have given us a 12″ x 16″ print (your choice), worth $50, to give away to one of you lucky little buggers – just leave a comment at the foot of this post, and we’ll pick one at random at 5.00pm GMT on Friday 13 (unlucky for some, not so for the winner) September.