You have a great product, you have a stall from which to sell it, and you have a horde of enthusiastic would-be customers falling over themselves to give you their money. It all seems too good to be true. And it often is, because this is 2013, and carrying real money around is becoming increasingly antiquated. The horde of customers are presenting you with plastic, but being a small enterprise, you’re not set up to handle it. We should know, it happened to us at our Tent London stand during this year’s London Design Festival. Oops.
Thankfully, there’s no longer any need to miss out on a credit or debit card sale again thanks to the WorldPay Zinc service, perfect for artisans and small enterprises who want to get out there and take their creations to the customer. It’s a totally secure Chip & PIN payment system that uses a keypad and a smartphone app to process payments on the go, with no monthly fees or lengthy commitment to sign up to. The keypad costs a one-off £59.99 and then you pay only 2.75% per card payment so you can use it as much or as little as you need.
You can be up and running with an account in minutes by registering through the free app (compatible with both Apple and Android platforms) or through the website, and there’s 24/7 helpline support for customers in the unlikely event of a hiccup. The keypads are now available online on or from John Lewis, PC World and Apple stores. It’s a brilliant way to maximise your retail opportunities – we wish we’d signed up earlier!
Pay heed dearest We Hearters: not content with solving a payment conundrum for budding entrepreneurs, we’ve also teamed up with the good folk at WorldPay Zinc to offer one lucky reader a Chip & PIN keypad all of their own. Oh, and only a bloody iPad Mini 3G to boot! We do look after you.
All we ask is that you drop an email to [email protected], stating your desire to be entered into a randomly drawn prize draw – entry to which will strictly close at 17.00 GMT, Friday 8 November. Your address may be used to provide relevant information from WorldPay Zinc, but will NEVER be shared with third parties.