If the NSA happen to be skimming this very site and come across images of naked women and donkeys, alongside words like seductive, alluring, and provocative, then we could all be sailing on choppy waters. Yet, for this, we’ll take our chances. Enter: Stuttgart agency Projekttriangle Design Studio and a self-published slice of refined elegance in paper form. Fountains and Essences of Inspiration is as erotic as printed materials get, and that’s before we’ve got to the young lady who’s stumbled into Animal Farm.
25 different stocks of finest Japanese paper, 152 hand-bound pages, 17 special colours, 1,000 numbered copies, 200 collector’s editions in boxes with signed art prints. If that hasn’t got you hot under the collar, you’d better check your pulse. Pondering profound questions of inspiration, intensity of experiences and philosophical meanderings of impassioned creativity, the Stuttgart studio’s lavish publication is the sort of thing that will have people like me going weak at the knees. It is. I am. Print porn for art and design fanatics for whom the digital age leaves cold, Fountains and Essences of Inspiration is a masterclass in restraint and poise and a resounding war cry for the thriving print populace. Intoxicating. *sits tight waiting for a knock at the door*

Design, Projekttriangle Design Studio