I hope the Wales Millennium Centre knows what it’s in for… The Hiber-Nation has arrived! More than 20 furry critters from artist Felt Mistress – including a couple of whopping 10ft monsters – have made the Cardiff venue their home for a month over Christmas, and are an absolute certainty to put a big smile across the face of anyone brave enough to enter their new lair. Among the highlights of the residency is a free workshop on 14 December, where participants can have a go at making Christmas gifts under the guiding hand of Felt Mistress herself.
Occasionally known as Louise Evans, Felt Mistress makes her range of strange creatures in a North Wales studio, but she’s heading south with partner Jonathan Edwards for the couple’s first Welsh show. Jonathan is a regular illustrator for The Guardian and has contributed album art for the Black Eyed Peas and The Jungle Brothers, and around 30 of his original watercolours, acrylic and ink drawings form part of the exhibition. There will also be video projections on display of the characters getting up to mischief in the outside world. The couple’s previous projects include collaborations with Pete Fowler and the prestigious job of dressing Selfridge’s Oxford Street Christmas window display. The Hiber-Nation ends on 5 January.