What do foxes like to eat the very most in all the world? That’s right, chicken! Morning, noon and night, nothing beats a portion of poultry, but the discerning fox with one eye on wooing a foxy vixen steers clear of The Colonel’s fattening deep fried chicken, and opts instead for fresh fowl, with a healthy side salad.
Yes, the foxes at Foxes Den, Melbourne, are likely to call in on the way back from yoga class, or during a lunchtime run. Being pushed for time and fed up with greasy takeaways, the Den folk decided that the solution was to start their own place where they could eat healthily (and for free, come to that). It’s all free range this and seasonal that – easy on the guts, easy on the conscience, and easy on the eye, thanks to Hecker Guthrie‘s interior design. Starting with the main ingredient, chicken, as a springboard, the Elwood shop became an urban farmyard chicken coop – minus the smell and the other unpleasantness, thankfully. Tables are delivered as chunky wooden units, with Henry Wilson‘s A-joint furniture the perfect sturdy accompaniment. Clucking great!

Photography, Shannon McGrath