Did you know that there is an art to dining? You didn’t? Bit embarrassing to think you’ve been doing it wrong all this time. Never mind, Alice Hodge and Ellen Parr can give you the necessary education. Working together as The Art of Dining, the ladies are pop-up specialists, but their culinary projects are anything but the standard here today, gone tomorrow restaurants.
Say Cheese is the latest adventure, and is as much an interactive art experience as a restaurant and bar. Lactose intolerant readers needn’t quail at the title; it is of course a reference to photography, and not just any photography either. Martin Parr, the celebrated chronicler of British eccentricities, has put together a smorgasbord of quirky food-related images, and the dishes are being recreated for real by chef Ellen. The venue is the former library on De Beauvoir Road, Hoxton – set designer Alice has transformed the place. The particulars are 19-22 March and 26-29 March from 7pm.