Well I suppose if you’re going to top yourself, go out in style eh? John Rafman’s Beta Male is taking no chances in Still Life, one of the pieces in the group exhibition Science Fiction: New Death at FACT, Liverpool. Science and technology is helping us live longer, but it could also be the death of us, and this collection looks at how the two fields shape our lives now, and how they might in the future.
The show is anchored by a series of new texts from the award-winning British science fiction writer China Miéville after JG Ballard, with the exhibits presented as part of a deconstructed movie set. It’s a bit of a bleak forecast judging by some of the contributing artists, but the exhibition raises questions about what we can do now to prevent things turning sour down the road. The Personal Archive is an accompanying selection of clips from science fiction films and television programmes, books and memorabilia. In your short term future I see a visit to the gallery between 27 March and 22 June…

Brad Butler and Karen Mirza,
Deep State.

Laurence Payot
One in a Million, You.

Sascha Pohflepp,
Camera Futura.

(Tommy Chat Just E-mailed Me.), 2006
© Ryan Trecartin,
Courtesy of Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York

Brad Butler and Karen Mirza,
Deep State.

Jae Rhim Lee,
Infinitiy Burial Project.

John Rafman
Still Life (Beta Male).

Larissa Sansour
Nation Estate.

Petra Gemeinboeck and Rob Saunders

Zach Blass
Facial Weaponization Suite.
All images: Installation at FACT, Liverpool
as part of Science Fiction: New Death