“Das T-Shirt Automat: One-off Custom Printing and Badger Taxidermy” says the slogan of this Melbourne pop-up turned permanent fixture, although – and call me a cynic here – I reckon if you did turn up with a dead badger the shutters would quickly be drawn and excuses about urgent appointments elsewhere would be made. We believe the bit about the printing though, as we’ve seen it happen before our very eyes.
As every proud parent knows, sticking little Timmy’s latest artistic masterpiece to the fridge is great, but not enough people get to see the work of genius. The solution is obviously to have the picture printed on a t-shirt, so everyone you meet can be delighted by it too. Bring it along to a brightly-adorned little hole-in-the-wall on Johnston Street in Fitzroy, and with a bit of computer wizardry and the press of the magic green button, boom! One customized AS Colour t-shirt. Electronic files are OK too, and there are pre-drawn designs if you or your kid is a bit shit at art. No-one is judging. Hoodies, jumpers and tote bags are also available, not to mention pressing your latest shower-wailings direct to vinyl. Stupendous.