No one could ever accuse us of not appreciating a good pun, so imagine the smiles on our faces as we tell you about the arrival in the UK of Los Angeles collective CYRCLE. and the exhibition OVERTHRONE: Pooring Reign. Wait, there’s more… the show is divided into two bodies of work – Rulers Were Meant To Be Broken and Scramble For Power. Wahey!
CYRCLE. (you’ll have to train your minds to overcome the full stop at the end of the group’s name, like I am having to train my word-processing software) is turning the expected order of things on its head at StolenSpace gallery with a show that aims to “overthrow the powers of doubt and oppression in the mind so we, the individual, can let go of fear and take power back!” I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling more empowered already. Get the full experience, and perhaps a cricked neck if you’re not careful, at the Osborn Street gallery until 6 April.