Are you the sort of man who announces to your better half that you’re just going to nip down to the shops, and arrives back home four hours later thoroughly pissed and conspicuously lacking in any sort of milk and/or canned goods? We have the solution (to the shopping problem anyway, can’t help you with the drinking). General Store & Co. is an innovative new concept bar in Melbourne stocked with “goods, grog and groceries” that should ensure your suspicious excursion ends with at least some semblance of plausibility.
Their version of ‘groceries’ might not be exactly the thing she had in mind – but you could return from General Store & Co., inspired by the trading posts of old-timey USA, a new man. Take advantage of the in-house barber, overhaul the image further with a visit to the shoe and clothes stores, and pick up an improving book or two. Less dysfunctional couples can enjoy the venue together, calling in for a simple bite to eat or a drink in the village garden, and a quick mosey around the eclectic selection of cool stuff assembled by Josh Lefers and the Big Dog Creative team. The highlight is a huge milk crate Statue of Liberty replica which holds a vertical garden, growing all sorts of interesting greenery including the garnishes for several of the tasty cocktails served at the bar. Licensed till 3am, and plans are afoot for 7am opening for the pre-work coffee crowd.