Being the kind of undistinguished typist that pauses noticeably every time 3D needs writing in the line of duty, imagine my joy at this little beauty: _MON3Y AS AN 3RRROR | MON3Y.US by Subversive counterculture through keystroke gymnastics eh? *Sigh*. Anyway, _MON3Y AS AN 3RRROR is the name of the online exhibition, hosted on the MON3Y.US website, and organised by Vasily Zaitsev of digital art collective Hope you’ve got that, because I’m not saying it again.
Our images are stills from what are mostly animated works, ranging from the simple to the sohisticated, and encompassing everything from political and economic observations to conspiracy theories, from a long list of digital art contributors. Going back to 2002, Rafael Rozendaal’s Stagnation Means Decline is an ever increasing pile of money, while Maximilian Roganov’s crumpled dollar bill draws a link between Mao and the CIA. Lars Hulst questions the real and symbolic value of money in 0 €uro, and the same currency comes in for some harsh treatment in Ellectra Radikal’s Dissolved Euro. There are dozens of works on the site; you’ll need to disable your pop-up blocker to view the exhibition.

Maximilian Roganov

Paul Hertz

Ellectra Radikal

Rafael Rozeendal

Curt Cloninger

Maximilian Roganov

Nick Briz