**Till The Cows Come Home has permanently closed**
Strange animals, cows. As long as there’s a sturdy fence keeping them at arm’s length, they look the most docile creatures imaginable, grazing away, not capable of hurting a fly, and judging by the vacant look in their eyes, not much going on between the ears. And then you find yourself in the middle of a field full of them. Still they chew incessantly, but now that blank stare has taken on a more menacing air, and you wonder if you haven’t made a terrible mistake. As though they know what’s going on, and hold you personally responsible, you murderous carnivore. As though they are only one second away from exacting a dreadful revenge.
Well, we can assure the cow population of Earth that none of their kind was directly harmed in the making of this vegetarian and vegan restaurant in central Berlin. Till The Cows Come Home is out to shake things up for the veggie food fan in terms of flavour levels, employing slow cooking and innovative ingredient combinations in recognition of the need for healthy food to deliver on taste to be an appealing choice. The menu is varied, and customers can choose from all sorts of dishes from ayurvedic to kosher, macrobiotic to Mediterranean. The restaurant is housed in a converted shipping container smartly fitted out with birch flooring and copper detailing, and benefits from the addition of a nice decked area with bench tables and stools, designed and hand-built by Alexander Spiliopoulos.