“It don’t matter if you’re black or white” sang our favourite disgraced pop weirdo in his 1991 ditty, seems Wacko would’ve approved with whatever you put on the plastic at sleek Kreuzberg fashion outlet SIMON&ME. Mix it up, and Karl Lagerfeld would surely approve. Yep, this Berlin fashion house cum retail store deals in the fine art of monochrome – and with deft flair.
Yes, there are hints of colour, but the odd red or purple from its products are drowned out by alluring waves of black and white, and of white and of black. A stone’s throw from Bergmannstraße, Kreuzberg’s main shopping drag, SIMON&ME stocks the eponymous brand’s unexacting range – raw simplicity for the modern age’s over-thinkers and over-doers, refined back-to-basics distinction for the astute consumer. Asides from their own wares, expect to find German goods of similar genteel. Independent, committed to craftsmanship and unwavering aesthetic, clearly defined principles – black and white: there are no grey areas at Berlin’s brilliant SIMON&ME.