It’s a curse of the digital age, or at least our digital age – frantic over-sharing of Barcelona’s street art or naughty afternoons downing Belgian beers in Antwerp. Social media has almost definitely lightened the wallets of pretty much everyone reading this very piece. Want to show your pals back in rainy England just how much you’re enjoying your summer sojourn in the south of France? There’s a price to pay. Or at least there was. O2’s £1.99 daily Travel tariff may have come a few years too late for some bankrupt web-heads, but social sharing has finally gotten a whole lot cheaper for thousands of avid English Instagrammers, Welsh Twitterers and Scottish Facebook fanatics alike.
Realign your travel checklist: Speedos, dancing shoes, German-baiting beach towels, a very British lack of suncream… DATA! £1.99 a day now gets you enough bandwidth to share a whole day’s worth of bonkers Berlin with your pals back home – street artists; design shops; converted warehouses; insane nightlife, your gloating just got a whole lot cheaper. Make sure you pack O2’s new travel app too – download TripAdvisor content, city guides and maps, along with the ability to browse said content offline; meaning more data allowance for selfies and humblebrags. We’re jetting out to the German capital between 25 – 27 July to try the O2 Travel tariff for ourselves. Stay tuned to our social media outlets, and ready yourselves for a whole host of visual goodness.

Vitra x Freunde von Freunden, Berlin

Voo, Berlin

Urban Spree, Berlin

Happy Shop, Berlin

La Soupe Populaire, Berlin

The Michelberger Hotel, Berlin

Pauly Saal, Berlin