You can accomplish a lot in 90 seconds, as Northern Quarter pizza restaurant PLY is proving with its pre-opening exhibition. The Manchester venue is currently under construction, and for the next few days you can watch a selection of 90 second films, made by a specially invited group of artists and screened at the premises as building work comes to an end. The works are all centred around pizza, the greatest of all foods, which should ensure that everyone has worked up a healthy appetite by the time the doors open and the wood-fired oven is ready to cook.
Displayed on screens facing outwards, the films all last 90 seconds – the same length of time as a Neapolitan-style PLY pizza takes will take to bake. London-based illustrator Will Broome is one of the show’s contributors, and his film Pizza Eating Monsters turns back the clock to his childhood days when he first discovered his passion for drawing. Other guests include Kyle M F Williams (aka Vine artist Keelay Jams) and Kayla Mattes. The latter has produced an edit of her Cheesy Rituals work looking at our cultural love affair with pizza. #PLYin90seconds runs until 17 August. Nom nom nom…

Mystic Pizza
by Layla Sailor

Pizza Palace/Pizza Plague
by Kyle M F Williams

Pizza Eating Monster
by Will Broome

Dancing Babies On Fire
by Andrew Salomone

Pizza Palace/Pizza Plague
by Kyle M F Williams

Images courtesy, PLY