Little doubt remains that the information revolution has changed the human psyche forever more. Unanswerable conundrums used to plague our Saturday nights round the telly: what’s he been in before? She’s dead isn’t she? Why exactly do dogs chase cats? Where Google has enriched our lives, it’s also made mum and dad a bit quieter.
Using the Oxford English Pocket Dictionary and its 21,110 words as a basis for Google, Volume 1, Felix Heyes and Ben West – of Peckham creatives King Zog – present each word replaced by the first image that Google throws up. A very 21st century look into our world, and perhaps the most comprehensive visual reference in existence.
Google, Volume 1 is available from Jean Boîte Éditions, Paris for 95€

From the book Google, Volume 1, de King Zog.
Special issue coll. FOLLOW ME, Collecting Images Today,
Jean Boîte Éditions, Paris, 2013.

From the book Google, Volume 1, de King Zog.
Special issue coll. FOLLOW ME, Collecting Images Today,
Jean Boîte Éditions, Paris, 2013.

From the book Google, Volume 1, de King Zog.
Special issue coll. FOLLOW ME, Collecting Images Today,
Jean Boîte Éditions, Paris, 2013.