Sometimes you can’t appreciate an object or situation without taking a step back, getting a fresh perspective and taking it all in as a whole. In other cases the opposite is true, and a close-up view examining things in detail is the way to go. Supermundane, aka Rob Lowe, has taken both points of view for his new work Here & There, joining the macro and the micro together to form a singular image that reflects his version of the world.
When Supermundane takes a step back he really takes a big stride, zooming right out to see the world as an astronaut might, and further still to view the whole universe as it might appear to a deity, with distance lending the renderings a nebulous quality. On the other side of the dualistic coin, the close-up imagery has a more geometric style with lines representing the rings of a tree or the whorls of a fingerprint. Also part of the collection are the wooden “innocences”, formless beings which stand alone in a crowd of 80 identical others, all staring blankly like tombstones. Here & There is being exhibited at No Walls, Brighton, until 20 September.