In our opinion, if you’re living in Melbourne you’re already halfway to happiness and and a fulfilling life. Which isn’t to say that you couldn’t use a bit of help with the remaining 50%, whether it be professional advice, spiritual guidance, or just a motivational kick up the backside. Enrol at The School of Life, which aims to get you heading in the right direction through a carefully selected curriculum of humanities-based ideas – without the need for flowing white robes or mass suicides.
“Developing emotional intelligence with the help of culture” is the general idea. Most people have received a jolt of inspiration at some point in their lives from a book, a film, or even one of those god-awful motivational posters. The School of Life delves deep into literature, philosophy, psychology and many other disciplines to find useful nuggets that can apply to specific issues or a general malaise. Founded in London and with branches in cities including Paris, Amsterdam and Istanbul, The School of Life is opened at 669 Bourke Street earlier this year, and offers services for everyone from street sweepers to presidents ranging from simple aphorism postcards to classes, workshops and retreats. It’s also a rather nice place to drop into for a coffee.