Florian Weitzer just keeps on coming up with new ways to impress us at his artistically savvy design hotels. It seems like only yesterday that we were marvelling at the Airstream trailer in the garden of his Hotel Daniel Vienna that doubles as a guest room, and the extraordinary rooftop sculpture by Erwin Wurm. Over in Austria’s second city Graz, Weitzer has been up to his tricks on the roof of that city’s Hotel Daniel; the sculptural LoftCube suite by German designer Werner Aisslinger has been installed by crane and now crowns the Hotel Daniel Graz, affording the lucky resident superb 360 degree views of the attractive city from an elevation of 24 metres.
A sense of anticipation builds as guests make their way to the hotel’s top floor, where an extra flight of stairs leads out onto the spacious sun terrace that surrounds the modular extension. The LoftCube itself stands on 1.5 metre legs, making the act of entering feel like embarking on a kind of capsule that is almost floating above the roof. Inside it’s minimalist’s paradise of clean lines and smooth surfaces, with just the right amount of carefully selected equipment and classic furniture. Those wall-to-ceiling windows come with a caveat, however: don’t forget to close those blinds when you step underneath the Rainshower, unless you like the idea of the entire Europaplatz checking you out. Great views work both ways…