Remember that bit at the end of Who Framed Roger Rabbit? when Judge Doom is run over by a steamroller, only to peel himself off the floor and reveal himself to be a Toon? *GASP!* Of course you do. It’s a classic. I reckon Eddie Peake is a fan of the film too, judging by the life-sized sculptures that form part of his latest show in Rome. Peake’s flattened figures lack the colour of the Judge’s black robes, but their bodies threaten to bow and wobble in the same way, top-heavy as they are with perspex containers of found detritus for heads.
Peake has been living in Rome for six months prior to this exhibition at Galleria Lorcan O’Neill‘s newly-opened location; the show is a development of his Psychosis show at Frieze New York 2014. Abstract plaster forms and burnished metal pipettes work through their problems on black lacquered shelves, upholstered in buttoned horse hide, that suggest the psychiatrist’s couch. Further sculptural pieces (such as Peake’s seven-foot scarf-wearing bears) join painterly works, neon signs, and many other diverse examples of the London-born artist’s wide-ranging practice. Also note the longest, and definitely best, ever artwork title featured on We Heart. By a long way. The exhibition begins on 24 January 2015.

Handschmeichler 6 (Pennant Shows The Twins How To Masturbate), 2014
Painted aluminium, timber, foam, leather, bronze, plaster 15 x 60 x 30 cm
Courtesy: Galleria Lorcan O’Neill

On The Doorstep Of 1 Woodstock Road Kasey Tells His Younger Brother Keynan (Same Mother, Different Fathers) That Yes, He Can Have A Cola Bottle But That He, Kasey, Will Bite The Lid Off First, Which Makes Eddie, Tabby And Marie, Who Had Moments Earlier Been Listening To Kasey Tell Everyone That A Man Is Much More Dangerous Than A Gun Because The Man Operates The Gun, Laugh. Meanwhile Just Outside Pennant’s Mum’s House, Pennant, Dwayne, Fraser, The Brothers Ian And Troy (Same Age, Same Father, Different Mothers) And Lewis, Who Had Just Been Having A Conversation In Which Lewis Was Being Asked “Do You Lick A Dick A Day?” (Pronounced ‘Lickadickaday’) And Encouraged To Just Say Yes Or No Because It Didn’t Matter If He Didn’t Understand, And That Actually Maybe He Should Just Say Yes, Are Unexpectedly Joined By The Older Boys Godfrey And Henry, The Latter Of Whom Is Carrying Around A Kitten He Is Trying To Sell. They All Play With The Kitten As Jerry The Tramp Walks Past And Bellows Drunken And Unintelligible Sounds That Are Supposed To Be Sentences, Snot Dangling From His Nose Into His Mouth And Onto His Clothes And Getting Sprayed About With Each Bellow. Moments Later A British Racing Green BMW With Blacked Out Windows And A Purple Light Glowing From Beneath The Car Will Drive Slowly Past And As It Does So A Gargantuan Rumbling Bassline Will Emanate From It, Which Will Excite Everyone, Who Will Stop What They’re Doing To Watch The Car Pass In Silent Admiration, Except Jerry Who Won’t Notice It And Who Will Continue Bellowing, The Sound Of Which Will Be Entirely Drowned By The Bassline, 2014
Stove enamel aluminium, painted aluminium, neon and clay 130 x 170 x 21 cm
Courtesy: Galleria Lorcan O’Neill

Eddie Freak, 2013
Paint on polished stainless steel 100 x 70 cm
Courtesy: Galleria Lorcan O’Neill

Delineated Only By Currency, 2012 Pink neon
80 x 80 cm
Courtesy: Galleria Lorcan O’Neill

Going To The Shops (Gif), 2014
Painted acrylic with hand knitted mohair scarf 234 x 139 cm
Courtesy: Galleria Lorcan O’Neill

Sleep Talks (Psychosis) Jpeg, 2014
Painted rolled steel, Perspex, acrylic paint, expanding foam, diary, penknives, ulcer treatment, acrylic badge, iphone 3s and charger, minidiscs, minidisc player and remote control, maracas, clave, retainers, rubber pipette, toilet roll, coffee packet, nuts, conker, mould 180 x 100 x 100 cm
Courtesy: Galleria Lorcan O’Neill