If only every day was a beer garden day! Alas, those of us who live too far north of the equator are forced to huddle together indoors for warmth during the inclement months, but in Indonesia it’s shorts weather all year round – even when it’s raining cats and dogs. Jakarta’s 30ºC+ temperatures make handling the capital thirsty work, and places such as the incisively-named Beer Garden are a welcome oasis in what can be a pretty challenging environment. Bitte Design Studio has designed Beer Garden’s latest outpost, Radio Dalam, as semi-indoors – and in occupying the second floor (above a car-park area), the elevation makes it a whole lot fresher than down at street level where the traffic can be fierce. There is plenty of vegetation growing in this garden to help offset the passing vehicles, and the use of light wood furniture – special mention for the lovely parquet tables – aids in the creation of a pleasant environment too. As befits the name, there’s a great range of beers on sale here, including premium European imports like Erdinger, Peroni and Leffe, as well as local brews Stark Beer (Bali) and Pu Tao Chee Chiew.
Beer Garden Radio Dalam is one of a number of smart new hospitality venues springing up in Jakarta in response to Indonesia’s booming economy, with a newly-minted middle class hungry for places in which to relax and spend their disposable income. Check out our verdict on Monstore’s fashion outlet/bar hybrid Embrio, cheeky restaurant Fook Yew and the searingly contemporary Kosenda Hotel.

Photography, Liandro N.I.Siringoringo (Manual Jakarta)