We were laughing our heads off. I’ve been running around like a headless chicken. He’s lost his head. My mind’s gone blank. She must be losing her mind. I’d forget my head if it wasn’t screwed on…
We’ve all been there, and the sheer number of expressions we have for those moments when we no longer feel in control — for good reasons and bad — of our mental faculties suggest it’s a common occurrence, and we are not alone. But going back to that last phrase, what if our heads weren’t screwed on? What if they fell off and rolled away, and our bodies, for lack of further instruction from our absent brains, just froze in that moment, expressionless but yet still expressive? Like a modern day Henry VIII, Italian designer Giuseppe Pepe has developed a taste for separating people from their bodies. Thankfully, the artist uses computer software to do the chopping, and his “victims” are all volunteers recruited over Instagram.
When he isn’t being the Head Designer at Space Ibiza, Giuseppe goes by the name of pepedsgn, and he’s been inviting curious folks to provide a picture for decapitation, just to see what kind of effect it has. Does it render the figure funny, frightening, startled, or just plain weird? Loosing My Mind [sic] is an ongoing project, and Igers can get involved using the hashtag #LoosingMyMind.

Courtesy, Giuseppe Pepe