Californians are so darned healthy that the glow of their natural tans and pearly whites arrives several minutes before the rest of them. Even the fast food is healthy out in the Golden State, and after a stint living in L.A., Shoreditch entrepreneur Andrew Bredon felt the need to bring some of that West Coast goodness back to the East End, and so he did.
Bel-Air is a breakfast and lunch place serving a selection of offerings that will scrub the arteries in no time at all – from shots of health juices for the early risers and open brekkie sandwiches packed with nutritious fillings to hot dishes and a lunch hour salad bar with added protein. While the menu above the counter promises it will be sunny everyday, it’s unlikely Shoreditch can deliver on that, on the outside at least. Inside Bel-Air London, however, all is pleasant and bright year-round, with white surfaces accented with a sunny yellow geometric pattern. The addition of quirky pop culture line drawings to the walls and elsewhere bring even more Californian flavour to the party.