Do you ever worry that all the electromagnetism, radio and microwaves from modern technology is frying your brain? Or perhaps you just want a bit of down time away from e-mails, Facebook and all the other attention-sapping rubbish that clogs up our daily lives. Time to pack a bag — one that isn’t stuffed full of USB chargers — and head into the wilds of Texas for a stay at El Cosmico.
With internet only available in the lobby, this is a back-to-basics place which values quality time and traditional pursuits over mod-cons. Star-gazing, bike riding or relaxing in the hammock grove are the order of the day — and there’s a nod to ‘happenings’ like Colorado’s ’70s art experiment Drop City, with a participatory programme of artistic and creative workshops; crafts; live music and communal cooking to get involved with. Austin hotelier Liz Lambert (behind places like Hotel San José in Austin) is behind the venue, and has collaborated on El Cosmico with architecture firm Lake/Flato to assemble this eclectic mix of accommodation. Whether you prefer sleeping under the stars in a tent, yurt or teepee, or prefer something more solid over your heads such as a reconditioned trailer, this retreat in Marfa has you covered — just make sure to leave your e-life at home.

Photography, Nick Simonite