As a child, did you often disappear into the realms of fantasy? Worlds of dark forests, creeping vines and deadly creatures? Did the frightening and foreboding hold a special fascination? If the answer is yes, there’s a chance you’re a psychopathic serial killer just waiting to happen. It’s not very likely you’re going to turn murderous of course, but analysis of the minds of human monsters have revealed obsessive interest in fantasy during childhood, and it was while reading an article about the trait highlighted during FBI profiling of killer psychopaths that Magnus Gjoen had the idea for his latest series.
Monster combines the ornate, delicate imagery of fantasy and fine art with bold colours and geometry; smooth round shapes are punctured by sharp triangular teeth. The collision of the two contrasting styles represents the fractured, violent and complex conflicts swirling inside the mind of a killer — an amplified distorted version of the human psyche. Monster is being shown at Hang-Up Gallery, Stoke Newington, from 20 March to 26 April.

When the Dream of Paradise Died

Installation view

From the Cradle to the Grave 3

Installation view

Die Young as Late as Possible

Installation view

From the Cradle to the Grave 1

I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead