Major entertainment events and festivals create plenty of logistical headaches for organisers — the notorious Glastonbury toilet situation immediately springs to mind — but it was a less stomach-turning festival problem that got a team of Dutch creatives thinking. Plastic drinks cups litter the ground at every big public gathering, and where bins are provided they are often hard to see or just too far away. Step forward Studio Squash; Giacomo Boffo; Alessandro Carosso and Oana Clitan, who together have hit upon a creative and motivational way of encouraging more people to go the extra mile to recycle, and cracked the visibility issue to boot.
Wecup debuted at the Wereld van het Witte de With Kwartier Festival in Rotterdam, and as with all the best ideas, it’s brilliantly simple. Choose a side in a two-way battle on urban, social and cultural issues, and make your views known by bunging your empties into the corresponding Wecup cylinder. The receptacles are easy to spot as they are well-lit and perched atop a podium, and it’s a fun way to get children into good habits early. Who knows, competitive litter disposal may soon be sweeping the world…