“Four years of art school got you nowhere” teases one of Butch Anthony‘s paintings, and while that’s obviously not true for many artists, formal training played no part in the development of this off-beat character from the back woods of Alabama. Anthony honed his skills autonomously from an early age, taking inspiration from the natural world in which he immersed himself. Unearthed fossils, skinned snakes and stuffed animals were the playthings of his childhood, and such items still fill the artist’s life as exhibits in The Museum of Wonder — a collection he curated over many years while simultaneously building his own house out of scrap, using no plans.
Anthony’s genius was brought to light by a couple of profiles in the national media, and he’s now on his way to becoming a folk hero not only for his artistic ability, but for his homespun charm and way with words. Having visited Anthony’s place last year, the Black Rat Projects team are hosting their second exhibition of the artist’s work under the title Old School. This show focuses on his signature bone and and black velvet paintings and works influenced by paint-by-numbers and sailor tattoos. Head down to the gallery on London’s Bateman Street before 7 June.

Butch Anthony,
Four Years of Art School Got you Nowhere

Butch Anthony,
Desmoiselles d’Alabama

Butch Anthony,
Blind Obedience

Butch Anthony,
Secret Weight Loss Tip

Butch Anthony,
Old School

Butch Anthony,
Sugar Momma

Butch Anthony,
Self Portrait