Be prepared to encounter a fair bit of carnage at Shoreditch High Street’s fiercely-named new restaurant Boneyard, as picked-clean racks of American smoked ribs and buttermilk fried chicken bones pile up almost as quickly as the serving staff can clear them away.

Although all vestiges of the former petrol station have been removed in the Boneyard renovation, what has replaced them is a slick industrial interior space of corrugated iron and glazed tiles, blackened steel and reclaimed wood, neon and brass, accessed through a weighty black port-holed door that promises good times within.
Things move from a Route 66-inspired inside to a backwoods sawmill vibe outside in the shape of a metal-covered timber yard dining and drinking area, prettified with hanging bauble lights and a few hardy cactii. If the bone marrow burgers and sides of chilli con carne chips aren’t reason enough to pull in for a pitstop at Boneyard (and let’s face it, they should be) there’s a food market named Pump that runs in the forecourt, with colourful shacks selling global food favourites.