First off it was something I’d seen on newsgroups (ask your dad) for literally decades, then it was something that kids started doing — obsessively — on text messages, before it filtered onto the newly born social networks, soon it was ev-e-ry-where and then your mum started using it; and you even heard it said out aloud, on the street. Now it’s dead. ROFLMFAO.
According to Vanity Fair, the boffins at Facebook have just released data that serves as a death knell for LOL. Laughing out loud has been replaced by emojis. But you knew that, right? Turns out that, of the 1.9% that actually still use LOL on Facebook, the highest concentration are in Texas, Louisiana, Florida, and Alaska. And we know how renowned those States are for future-forward internet speak. 33.7% opted for an emoji in response to a Facebook funny (😲), whilst a good old ‘haha’ was preferred by 51.4%.
So long LOL. Nice knowing you 💀🔫…