So then, parents of We Heart, how has the return to school been for you? A blessed relief after weeks of having to keep the little blighters entertained during the holidays, or a nightmare of bathroom congestion, breakfast tantrums and missing shoes? Yeah well, you signed up for it. You’ll get no sympathy from us.

Kellogg’s, on the other hand, feels your pain. The cereal giant is all about understanding breakfast — how families enjoy breakfast (or simply survive the ordeal), and how they can make it better.
Enter artist and designer Dominic Wilcox, who has put his mad scientist hat on and worked with Kellogg’s to come up with 10 zany inventions that will make breakfast time go with a bang. Some it must be said, are more practical for a standard family kitchen than others. The Crane Head Cereal Serving Device, for example, is undeniably a work of genius, using milk-filled hydraulics to scoop cereal out of the box and into the bowl. A ton of fun, and a good grounding in construction vehicle operation for any budding Bob the Builders, but it does have the potential to create a major spill in the wrong hands. The Snap, Crackle and Pop Amplifier, on the other hand, seems like a more practical proposition, using a microphone and gramophone-style trumpet to give the famously noisy cereal even more volume. Somewhere between the two is the Tummy Rumbling Amplification Device, which looks like something on might see in a marching band. This entertainingly orange instrument lets mum and dad know in no uncertain terms when the kids need a feed.
Here’s a breakdown of some of the other Brek Tech inventions: Soggy-o-meter: Select your preferred level of milk absorption. Get Enough Robot Spoon: Charge your electronic spoon for the day by eating enough at breakfast. Robowl Flying Personal Assistant (prototype): A drone which delivers breakfast objects such as cereal or a hairdryer. ‘Breakfast is Served!’ Pillow: Press a button on the Kellogg’s cockerel in the kitchen and the pillow’s speaker tells the kids that it’s time for brekkie.