“Without curiosity to set you off, these days, you really are lost” say the folk behind New Zealand-based design publication Threaded; which celebrates the desire to learn in its latest edition. Threaded Ed.18: The Curiosity Issue follows the magazine’s usual thread, getting into the minds of designers — what makes them tick, who they are as people … curious yet?

New York’s Holli McEntegart; London-based graphic designer Fraser Muggeridge; Sydney typographer Gemma O’Brien and Australian multimedia agency M35 are all involved — their work and curiosities committed to print, in the form of fancy stocks and printing methods.
“Each of us, these days, has a world of information at our fingertips, but do we know which questions are worth asking?” Pose the Threaded folk (who are a design studio of the same name, led by Creative Directors Kyra Clarke and Fiona Grieve), a question about questions that is worthy of some thought … in this digital age, in this age of technology whirring around us, answering all of our needs, it is really only our innate spirit of inquisitiveness that remains as our differential. Be nosy my children — peek, pry, spy, probe, do not forget: it is asking questions that got us this far.