You know when you’re sitting on one of those bits of news that you’d need a machete-swinging militia to keep at bay? When you meet your pals in the pub and you find yourself almost physically encouraging them to ask you how your day was? Just so you can reply. With an uncontainable smirk: Pretty… Pretty… Pretty Good.

Funny you should ask. You didn’t ask? Is this the face of concern? WE’RE LOVED! By The International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences (members of whom include David Bowie, Stephen Fry, internet co-inventor Vint Cerf and the like) in particular.
The New York-based academy, founded in 1998 to drive innovation in internet and interactive media, are into the fifth year of their Lovie Awards; the European arm of the famed Webby Awards. And the profound souls with exquisite taste have chosen us motley crew as a finalist (under the ‘lifestyle websites’ category) for this year’s big prizes. Ace, hey?
Vote for us: Love us too? Share the love by voting for us in the People’s Lovie Awards at Give us a thumbs up and we’ll carry on furnishing your digital devices with splendiferous stories; news; event listings; new openings and oodles more. (Disclaimer: we’ll carry on doing that regardless, but don’t let that put you off now.)