Food trucks are a great way of getting out into the community and building up a fan base for your food, but there’s something very reassuring about moving to a bricks-and-mortar restaurant.

The folks from mobile burger specialists Carmnik have earned quite the reputation in Gdynia, on the Baltic coast of Poland, and now they are looking forward to welcoming their established followers through a solid front door and offering them shelter and a seat at this permanent home designed by PB/STUDIO.
While the Carmnik van continues to deliver its burgers out into the world, Carmnik Kantyna has the handbrake firmly on at ulica Antoniego Abrahama. With a brand identity already established, PB/STUDIO has echoed design elements from the truck, such as the pine ply, in the restaurant. Panels and inlays of polished brass lift the inexpensive wood to elegant new heights, and go beautifully with the rich green accents found in the painted metalwork, hanging plants and the banquette cushions.
We’re also awarding a triple word score for the Scrabble-style welcome board above the glazed tile serving area — bet you get some record-breaking totals playing that game in Polish.

Photography, Jakub Piórkowski PB/STUDIO