The weekend is almost upon us, and London Cocktail Week is in full swing; a double whammy, you might say. With parties, masterclasses and pop-ups gracing the capital until 11 October, the sixth LCW is proving to be the best to date.

The return of Buffalo Bourbon Empire — transporting you to the Buffalo Trace Distillery in an ageing warehouse above old Shoreditch station — has brought with it, the reveal of the Antique Collection; a range of five whiskeys riding on the back of some pretty big accolades from the spirits world.
Auchentoshan (it’s OKKen-TOSHan, and you can’t resist a Glasgow accent when spittin’ it oot) continue their assault on Translate Bar with an extended drinks menu including their signature cocktail: Auchentoshan Ale … as well as giveaways and personalised treats.
Martin Morales’ Ceviche Old St, open up their doors on Sunday with a masterclass celebrating Peru’s national spirit — the Pisco — and showing you guys and gals just how to make those classic sour, martini and cooler cocktails.

There are stacks of bars, pubs and clubs getting in on the action by creating their own concoctions, over 275 venues serving their specials for only £5 (in London!), including Dirty Martini who’ve created the delicious Smoked Tea Daiquiri; a blend of Plantation 5 Year Rum, Chipotle Smoked Black Tea, Maple Syrup and Lime Juice available at all seven of its venues throughout the week.
From newbies to seasoned cocktail lovers, the World Class London Cocktail Week Hub over in Soho’s Poland St, (where you can also pick up your wristbands and guide), will show you everything there is to know on the craft of cocktailing…
London Cocktail Week continues until 11 October. Buy your wristbands online.

Photography © DrinkUp.London