Dem bones dem bones dem Dirty Bones. One restaurant just wasn’t enough for the team behind Kensington’s muckiest meat restaurant, and it’s now Soho’s turn to get in on the filthy fun with the opening of a sister venue in Carnaby’s Kingly Court. The premises is tucked in on the top floor looking down on the busy courtyard below, but inside the restaurant itself is where it’s really at.

A devilish neon sign surrounded by blood red window frames announces the beginning of the Dirty Bones experience. Customers are immediately greeted with a little more neon on the wall facing the doorway, reminding everyone of the indisputable link between cocktails and happiness.
The dazzling signage is perhaps the most contemporary aspect of Dirty Bones’ design, which follows the Kensington branch’s lead in assembling an eclectic retro interior spanning various bygone eras. Shades from Edwardian standard lamps are redeployed to the ceiling, and a pinball machine doubles as the welcome desk. A cool selection of photos from the ’50s and ’60s show that celebrities (how many can you name?) used to eat real, actual comfort food of the type Dirty Bones specialises in. Also worth a mention is the Dirty Bonopoly board game, in which diners roll the dice to win special prizes — or a mischievous forfeit. Are you feeling lucky?