Teenagers and young adults of every generation since the mid-20th Century have rebelled against societal norms, but even as they reject the constraints of the mainstream, they often choose a sub-culture with its own set of conventions, uniforms, and beliefs. Punks; goths; teddy boys; death metallers — all are a reaction against conformity, yet their members often advertise their convictions as clearly as a sign around their necks; others choose truly individual styles which defy easy pigeon-holing.

German photographer Oliver Sieber has a long-standing interest in the alternative scenes that attract young people, and in the course of his career has convinced scores of these perceived “misfits” to step in front of his camera for an ongoing documentary project. Imaginary Club is Sieber’s collection of portraits of contemporary counter-culturalists.
The series, which was released in 2014 as an award-winning photobook, intersperses his portraits with fittingly moody street scenes and locations that are unrelated directly, scrambling any clear sense of narrative while simultaneously making connections between the diverse people and places. Sieber’s travels have taken him to all corners of the world, and he’s now looking to re-release a hugely expanded, 430-page international edition through crowdfunding. Head over to the Kickstarter page if you’d like to support the new edition of Imaginary Club.

Photography © Oliver Sieber,
Imaginary Club (publisher BöhmKobayashi and GwinZegal)