The buzz of the city is Jack Marshall’s muse. The south east London artist drawing on the humdrum haze of urban life — petty vandalism; the drone of city living that you only notice when you escape to the silence of the countryside; the dizziness of visuals flooding your retinas … advertising, building, people.
Inspired by American cartoonists Gary Panter and Charles Burns, Marshall’s cartoon figures are far from their traditionalist style — his are distorted, jarred, rarely coming into view as complete, coherent drawings — they embody the muddled disorientation of that buzz of city life, they are layered as hastily, as recklessly, as impulsively as the layers of urban space.
Low Battery runs at Holborn’s Display Gallery until 29 October.

Taint, 2014, paint and pen on paper, 21 x 21 cm

Hood, 2015, acrylic on paper, 90 x 61 cm

Wave, 2015, pen on paper, 21 x 15cm

Untitled, 2015, acrylic and pen on board, 61 x 61 cm