Supermundane is a word that describes the opposite of what you may imagine — of or relating to what is elevated above earthly things — and entirely fitting that Rob ‘Supermundane’ Lowe would happen upon it whilst working in a factory. In the Midlands. Also fitting that the spiritual nature of the word is as apparent as ever in his latest series.

“I want the work I make to have a physical effect on the viewer” says Lowe of his latest bold body of works, “I don’t want to make passive work. The work is very graphic and hard edged but it is rooted in humans and what it is to be human.” Difficult to be passive towards a nine metre mural. The spiritualism, though, is most evident in Ancient Lights, a new series of screen prints that carry all the hallmarks of revered symbolism from the distant past, rendered in glorious minimalism and the colour-ways you’ve come to expect from Lowe’s work. Stained-glass windows for the digital age.
Elsewhere in Signs & Symbols — his largest show to date — the graphic artist continues to work in his trademark bold lines and abstract arrangement, but there is a heightened simplicity to these compositions that belies the intricacy with which he has gained note. The exhibition continues at The Book Club until 23 November.

Ancient Lights