What a time to be alive. Mankind is truly becoming the master of itself, unlocking ever more complex secrets about the way we work, and our place in the universe. Technological advancements are pushing our exploration of space, while medical breakthroughs are improving the quality and length of our lives on Earth. How many generations will it be before man can conquer death itself?

MAN IS GOD sees artist Giacomo Bufarini (aka RUN) posit that we are to all intents and purposes already our own masters. But at what cost? Our ever-advancing civilisations are subjugating the natural world through consumption of resources, and our increasing urbanisation is disconnecting us from nature in a spiritual and practical sense.
The Italian’s series of sculpture, paintings, banners and iconography examines this disconnect, as well as that of modern man from our ritualistic pagan ancestors who understood the importance of the environment despite their relatively primitive development.
MAN IS GOD is being shown at Howard Griffin Gallery Los Angeles until 31 October.

Constructivism On Broken Records

The Gigantic Hat

Refining Content

Night Time Crop (Rock)

Rising Crop

Astronomical Instrument

Experience Of Warfare

Exhibition photography, Alexander Laurent