Usually, in this space in between the lead image and the rest of the images, in and around the smaller image, I’d write some things about the subject of the story. But I kinda think the vindictive sods Florence concept store BJØRK have ruined all that for me.

You see, BJØRK have a nice-looking decal in their window that renders I, your storyteller, futile. “We Sell Nice Things” it reads. And they do. They’ve summarised exactly what I should, in four bloody words.
I don’t need to elaborate — those four words and the images should suffice — but I need to feel useful around here, so let me try: Nice space. Nice window display. Nice clothes. Nice arty magazines. Nice cactus (I don’t know if you can buy that, but everything has a price, right?). Nice books. Nice design objects. Nice things.
What that excellently-concise summary doesn’t tell you is that BJØRK host regular events, and showcase up-and-coming artists, and invite you to drop by for a browse, have a chat — this is not one of those stuffy, pretentious concept stores, this is a celebration of all that’s nice in design and in fashion, in music and in lifestyle … just a bloody nice place. For nice people. With nice things.