If I could possibly interrupt you from listening to Art Angels for just one moment, your overlord alt-pop Goddess features on the virtual pages of Hunger Magazine — and she demands your mortal attention. Don’t know Hunger mag? Dazed & Confused … AnOther … it’s the next imprint from that photo man Rankin, who obvs knows what to do when it comes to glossy mags — and it is here that we meet Claire Elise Boucher, fresh from … well, fresh from sticking a big bastarding rocket right up the arsehole of pop music with her long-awaited follow up to 2012’s witch-house-infused Visions.
As well as wearing some really boss clothes, and looking utterly divine, Grimes talks about her problems with sexism in the music industry, social media, and her recording process. Which is all very lovely, but if you’re really into music, peruse these scans of Boucher’s studio profile in Future Music, and enjoy this haughty fashion goodness for all that it is. Over and out.

Photography, Rankin