INDAY is like one of them celeb supercouple things, like Brangelina or Kimye; ‘Indian Everyday’ being the two words brought together at this NoMad (American’s love this stuff, don’t they?) casual eatery.

Indian everyday? Yes please. The problem is, the tongue-tempting tastes of India usually weigh heavy on the hips — with creamy sauces, rice and naan bread. Here though, those tastes are filtered through Ayurvedic principles of eating to heal and maintain good health — flavoursome spices remain, but in are salads, microgreens and tofu.
And it’s not just the menu at INDAY that promote salubrious values; the calming interior space looked over by a radiant lighting sculpture that symbolises the energy of the sun and holistic balance. An aura of the tropics comes in the form of leafy flora, reclaimed woods and vintage curiosities (there are 40 year-old editions of National Geographic to leaf through over your red quinoa and Indian-spiced salmon). Clean.