With just 11 rooms, Valencia Lounge Hostel is certainly cosy. Distinct neo-classic touches charge through the property, along with vintage cement tiles and original ceilings; all of which were typical of Valencian homes of the 20th century.

Located in the city’s El Carmen area, the barrio is peaceful by day — coming to life at night when the many cafés, bars and restaurants are taken over by locals and tourists alike. Respecting its heritage, creative consultancy Masquespacio were keen to respect the history of the building telling us: ‘we wanted to recreate the feeling for the guests that they were staying in a home, but one that makes them dream, disconnect and live a new experience’.
Each room is radiant thanks to light flooding from private balconies, and no two rooms have been kitted out the same; nodding to the fact that Valencia Lounge Hostel are in the market to attract a diverse clientele. Bold odes to a miscellany of graphic and illustration influences, Masquespacio’s ability to coalesce contemporary with classical is no simple feat, but carried off with aplomb — Memphis influences; Mediterranean gradients; modernism and mysticism … Valencia Lounge Hostel is a riot of visual inspiration and individuality.

Photography, Luis Beltran